Blackbelt in the Bedroom - Mens Sexual Mastery designed for All Levels Questers

Quest Coached by Jacqueline Hellyer

Start Date:
Course Length:
6:50 hours
Quester Level:
All Levels
Price AUD:

Start your Quest  

Black Belt in the Bedroom is a guided pathway to sexual evolution - in the privacy of your own home!

  • Do you want to get better in bed?
  • Do you want to know how to last longer?
  • How to pleasure your partner to the heights of orgasmic bliss?
  • Do you want to have a deeper more meaningful relationship?
  • Do you want to reach your sexual potential?

Then read on, I will show you how.

You can become the best lover your partner has ever had...

Combining the best of Tantric and Taoist wisdom with modern scientific knowledge, Black Belt in the Bedroom is a unique online sex course for men that’s the result of my years of experience - Tantric, academic and therapeutic - working with countless men and their partners. Consider it a guided pathway to sexual evolution that takes you beyond the limited, immature concepts of what sex tends to be in our society.

You’re probably used to ‘white belt’ or at best ‘coloured belt’ sex. With this course you will enter into the Black Belt levels and develop real mastery.

Now in your own time, in the privacy of your own home, anywhere in the world, you can access exclusive information to help you become a great lover, the kind of man who brings out the best in a woman.

Why my Black Belt in the Bedroom Course Works

1. Developed by a REAL expert
You're not going to find many people on this planet with my level of knowledge and experience. As a Transpersonal Sexologist I've studied everything to do with sex, love and intimacy at the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels, and with years of experience working with people over thousands and thousands of hours - I know what works. Don't be distracted by the 'selfie gurus' with their slick sexy photos, it's quality knowledge gained from rigorous experience that you want and that I can offer you.

2. Great Information
This is based on information that you actually need - even if you don't realise it yet. This isn't tips and tricks, that's what the 'coloured' belts think sex is - this is sexual mastery, from the inside out. Distilled from ancient Tantric and Taoist wisdom and modern scientific knowledge and therapeutic practice, combined with the experience of countless real people I've worked with, this is information that is real and effective.

3. Practical
This is real information for real men. I give you a lot of theoretical information, because knowledge is power; and I give you a lot of practical approaches and activities, so that you can really embody the information and make it part of your life.

4. Tested
I've been developing and testing this developmental, transpersonal approach to sex clinically for over ten years with thousands of clients and workshop and retreat participants - and that's not to mention all the thousands of years that led up to me compiling it in a way that works for the contemporary man!This works!

5. For All Men
This information applies to all men, whatever your age or stage of life.

This isn't 'tips and tricks', that's coloured-belt levels - this is Black Belt, what you really need to know to become a great lover.

The Seven levels of sexual mastery

We’ve got a pretty immature attitude towards sex in our society, everyone’s focused on the hardness of the erection and size of orgasms. And while strong erections and big orgasms are great, they’re more the icing on the cake - and without the cake the icing itself isn’t very satisfying.

You’ll never grow to reach your sexual potential if that’s where your focus is.

Shodan Level 1: Confident - “The path to Mastery starts with mastery of self.” It all starts with you - having a positive sense of self, centred, confident, balanced in your yin and yang elements. In this level we'll be looking at what it is to have mastery of self and how you get there:

  • learn about mindfulness and presence so that you are really in your body right here, right now,
  • learn how you can use your breath to keep you present and to moderate your state of being,
  • learn how to really connect brain and penis so that you're working as a team,
  • learn to 'solo cultivate', the art of mindful masturbation,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Gentleman', a man who is confident, centred and self-aware.

Nidan Level 2: Connected - “Unless a man meets his partner with equality, he cannot proceed further.” Once you've got the hang of yourself, you need take that forward and 'meet' your partner - with equality, assessing for worthiness, co-creating safety so you can then explore with freedom. In this level we'll be looking at how the Master of the Encounter does this:

  • learn what sex really is, what it really is all about,
  • learn about consent and safety, why it's so important, and how to create it,
  • learn about the gaze, a key part of the encounter,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Warrior' a man who is respectful, discerning, relaxed yet alert.

Sandan Level 3: Creative - “Confuscious say: Man with pole stuck up ass is dud fuck!” Once you've got that connection it's time to play - and you're not going to be able to do that if you're too serious, too in your head, or too laden with negative emotions of shame or pressure! In this level we'll be looking at what you need to be free and creative:

  • learn about how sex isn't a performance, you can't get it wrong!
  • learn how to maintain a 'whatever' attitude and why that gives you freedom to explore,
  • learn how to get rid of shame, so that you can be open and free,
  • learn about fantasy, what it is and how to use it,
  • learn about the good and bad of porn, and how to use it for good!
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Merrymaker', a man who is light, playful, shame-less and creative.

Yondan Level 4: Compassionate - “The path to woman is through an open heart.” This is where we really start to get to connection and where good sex takes off. In this level we'll be looking at how to become an expert on her, to really know her:

  • learn about combining the sex and love energies to create a really potent energy,
  • learn how to honour the feminine and understand female sexuality,
  • learn about listening and how to really pay attention so that you become an expert on your partner,
  • learn all about touch, a vital element of connection and female arousal,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Lover', a man who is connected, compassionate, tender and attentive.

Godan Level 5: Captivating - “The man who cultivates his garden will attract the birds and the bees.” Once you know all about her, it's time to look at yourself, for the Art of Seduction is the art of getting someone to do what you want, for your mutual pleasure … In this level we'll be looking at the Art of Seduction, what it really means and how to do it well:

  • learn about the difference between desire and arousal,
  • learn how to contain and use your arousal,
  • learn the importance of 'beforeplay', what happens way before you get to the bedroom,
  • learn how to identify what it is you really want,
  • learn how to ask for what you want,
  • learn how to get what you want,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Seducer', a man who is inviting, subtle, sensual, enticing.

Rakudan Level 6: In Control - “Play the instrument that is woman and be rewarded with the music of her pleasure.” With all you've developed so far, now you can really master the Art of Sex, reveling in your skill at providing exquisite pleasure for your partner. In this level we'll be looking at the technical side of sex, and how, if you wish, you can explore some of the 'darker' sides of sexuality:

  • learn about women's bodies and how they work, including her 'three sexual gates',
  • learn to master her arousal and how to bring her to more than just 'orgasm' but to 'orgasmic states',
  • learn about power exchange and 'wicked sex', how to do it responsibly and skillfully,
  • learn to master intercourse, particularly the Art of the Thrust,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Maestro', a man who is skillful, commanding, responsible and honourable

Nanadan Level 7: A Consumate Lover! - “Only when he gives up attachment can a man be free.” But wait - there's more! There is Beyond Mastery. There is Transcendence. In this level we'll be looking at the transcendent, mystical, spiritual possibilities of sex:

  • learn about letting go of craving, attachment ideals, projections, traditional concepts of 'masculinity',
  • learn about pleasure, potency, fluidity,
  • take this forward to the endless spiral of evolution, growth and pleasure,
  • develop the side of yourself that I call 'The Transcender', a man who is open, vulnerable, porous, rapturous.

Bring on the seven levels! So, rather than getting stuck down in those coloured-belt levels, trying to master the ‘tricks’ without having the underlying self-development, these seven levels of Black Belt give you a structured pathway to evolve as a lover, to develop the understanding, knowledge and awareness that you need to attain sexual mastery.

"Every man can become the ultimate lover - a Black Belt in the Bedroom!"

How this course is structured:

For each level of Sexual Mastery there are a series of videos and support material that provide:

  1. A detailed description of each level of Sexual Mastery
  2. A fictional story describing the female equivalent of each level
  3. Videos on specific issues and practices relevant to each level
  4. Homework activities
  5. A challenge!

You can get there. You can be the best lover your partner has ever had.

The exclusive information I will be sharing with you will change your life forever. It will enable you to become calm, confident and creative in the bedroom, and in the whole of life.

If you’re ready to discover the sexual secrets that most men don't ever get to learn, then sign up to my course now.

Take the next step and join us on this exciting journey into Blackbelt in the Bedroom - Mens Sexual Mastery.

Start your Quest  

Course Overview

Start Date:
Quest Coach:
Course Length:
6:50 hours
Quester Level:
All Levels
Price AUD:

Start your Quest  

Blackbelt in the Bedroom Mens Sexual Mastery Course

Access our incredible All Levels course, packed full of insightful quests.
Start now and learn at your own pace and repeat quests whenever you like.

  • Welcome to the Dojo
  • Things you need to know before we begin
  • Shodan - The Gentleman - Mastering Self
  • Shodan - Meet the Shodan Woman - The Lady
  • Shodan - Master Mindfulness
  • Shodan - Master The Breath
  • Shodan - Connect to Your Body
  • Shodan - The Art of Mindful Pleasure
  • Shodan - Your Shodan Homework
  • Shodan - The Shodan Challenge
  • Nidan - The Warrior - Mastering the Encounter
  • Nidan - Meet the Nidan Woman - The Amazon
  • Nidan - Understand Sex
  • Nidan - Create Safety and Consent
  • Nidan - Master the Gaze
  • Nidan - Your Nidan Homework
  • Nidan - The Nidan Challenge
  • Sandan - The Merrymaker - Mastering Play
  • Sandan - Meet the Sandan Woman - The Bawd
  • Sandan - Overcome Shame
  • Sandan - Understand Fantasy
  • Sandan - Master Erotica
  • Sandan - Mindfulness Exercise - Shifting Shame
  • Sandan - Mindfulness Exercise - The Chakras
  • Sandan - Your Sandan Homework
  • Sandan - The Sandan Challenge
  • Yondan - The Lover - Mastering Compassion
  • Yondan - Meet the Yodan Woman - The Madonna
  • Yondan - Honour the Feminine
  • Yondan - Become an Expert on your Partner
  • Yondan - Master Touch
  • Yondan - Your Yodan Homework
  • Yondan - The Yodan Challenge
  • Godan - The Seducer - Mastering Seduction
  • Godan - Meet the Godan Woman - The Seductress
  • Godan - Knowing What you Want
  • Godan - Ask for What you Want
  • Godan - Your Godan Homework
  • Godan - The Godan Challenge
  • Rokudan - The Maestro - Mastering Virtuosity
  • Rokudan - Meet the Rokudan Woman - The Maestra
  • Rokudan - Understand Women's Bodies
  • Rokudan - Master Her Arousal
  • Rokudan - The Art of Moving
  • Rokudan - Understand Power Exchange
  • Rokudan - Your Rokudan Homework
  • Rokudan - The Rokudan Challenge
  • Nanadan - The Transcender - Mastering Rapture
  • Nanadan - Meet the Nanadan Woman - The Earth Gypsy
  • Nanadan - Beyond Climax
  • Nanadan - Your Nanadan Homework
  • Nanadan - The Nanadan Challenge
  • Blackbelt in the Bedroom Wrap Up

We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking has always been within.


Our Course Coach

We are excited to introduce you to Jacqueline Hellyer who will guide you on your online course journey, and we know you will be inspired by their unique teachings, expertise and wisdom.

Meet Jacqueline Hellyer, our Wellness Coach

Discover the art & science of connection with Jacqueline Hellyer, leading expert on all matters sex, love and intimacy. Bringing wisdom and insight through sex therapy, relationship counselling, tantra retreats, courses and socials. Let me and my team help you create your best possible love life!

One of the leading voices in the ‘third wave’ of sexuality - beyond shame, beyond sleaze, towards meaningful sex - Jacqueline Hellyer is a sex and relationship expert influencing minds and bedrooms across the globe.

She is an accredited Psychosexual Therapist with the Society of Australian Sexologists (SAS) - one of only a handful of practitioners in Australia with this level of certification; is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is accredited in the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT).

Jacqueline takes a transpersonal, psychobiological, somatic and positive psychological coaching approach to working with clients:

  • Transpersonal therapy addresses the whole person: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual,
  • Psychobiological therapy utilises neuroscience, language and biological processes to aid in change,
  • Somatic therapy enables you to go beyond your mind and feel into your body (note that this is touch-free therapy),
  • Positive psychology focuses on strengths rather dysfunctions,
  • Coaching is client-centred, solution-focused, dynamic and brief.

In addition to offering therapy and coaching through the Clinic, Jacqueline has a broad range of educational and inspirational offerings - online courses, couples retreats, workshops, books and more.

More about Jacqueline Hellyer

jacqueline hellyer wellness coach

Quest from Home

Courses are the perfect way to start your personal wellness journey and to learn, explore new concepts and teachings, and above all thrive. This is time dedicated to looking after your mind, body and soul. Time to unwind, recharge and reconnect to who you are, your innate wisdom and absolute potential.

As part of this, you can learn niche topics like how to start reducing stressors, better look after and care for the body, think differently about nutrition, undertake life-affirming mindful movement and be treated to the fundamental practice of meditation to help you ground, watch your thoughts and better control your monkey mind. And all of this from the comfort of your own home where you can try, fail, succeed and try again to your heart's content and know that you are on the path to a greater you. You even have 6 months from the time your retreat starts to re-watch any of the Course Quests you loved, and really get the most out of your learning. And let's face it, the more you re-watch the Quests, the more likely you are to make new neural pathway connections and form habit changing behaviours which will lead to the ultimate personal transformation.

Become a Quester


To help you plan for your Blackbelt in the Bedroom - Mens Sexual Mastery course, our tips and tricks will ensure you achieve the best results, set realistic expectations, have access to re-watch the course content and limit distractions which will help you make the most out of your online course experience.

How should I prepare for my course?

To get the most from your course we will provide you with a list of helpful tips and tricks, including:

  • Consider what clothing helps you stay flexible for your movements and you are comfortable in
  • Tell friends, family or housemates that you need some space and quiet time while you are attending your retreat.
  • Clear your schedule to limit distractions like calls, emails and messages.
  • Use props for your practise -
  • Prepare your quiet retreat space and setup your room to maximise a flow state with -
    • Incense, diffuser, candles or an oil burner
    • A notebook or device to take notes
    • A comfortable seat
    • Headphones or earbuds for a more immersive experience
    • A bottle of water
    • Switch phone to sleep or airplane mode and or turn off all notifications
  • Test your device prior to your course start.
  • Take the time to reconnect and ground yourself in your breaks.
  • Don't set performance expectations, keep an open mind and be prepared to try something new.
  • Re-watch sessions you loved to help embody your learnings and change habits.
  • Follow up with further in-depth courses from any of the coaches that you love learning from or join a retreat to immerse yourself in.
How do I achieve the best results?

Our goal is to help you achieve improved wellbeing by learning new skills to assist in your Quest for self-growth and increased potential.

As part of this experience, repeating lessons can help you better integrate your new knowledge into your current lifestyle with greater ability to change your habits permanently. Then as you improve your skills and hone your interests you can deep dive further into courses specific to what you need.

If you want to improve mobility, health, overall wellbeing or clarity of mind and reduce stress, then a variety of our retreats and courses will help you achieve this. If participating in retreats on a regular basis is something you can achieve, this will help reinforce any new lifestyle habits.

The one thing we do know is that change takes consistent effort over a period of time, there is no shortcut to changing behaviours and adopting a new lifestyle. If your goal is to make big changes, then you will need to commit to a regular routine of participating in the areas you want to improve.

Healthy change does not require someone to flip their routine completely upside down. Change needs to be achievable and realistic, it needs to allow you to maintain your commitment to your work, family and life commitments to be sustainable. We recommend you commit to your goals for at least 90 days to see the results. At this point, if you have been consistent with your new routine, you should see real change.

As an example, implementing 20 minutes of mindful movement and activity per day may be a great start. This may be a blend of exercise, journaling, meditation, goal writing, reviewing your progress for the week, looking at a healthy meal plan for the coming week and even just taking time out for yourself to sit and reflect on the wonderful commitment you are making to yourself.

If finding time to continue practising your new learnings is challenging, going to bed a little earlier and setting the alarm clock to wake 30 minutes earlier are simple hacks to help you start implementing your new routine.

Consistency is the key, participating in your new found skills and continuing to practise them over time will help achieve the desired outcome.

Top tips for having a positive mindset for your Quest

Here are our top tips for setting the best mindset for your Quest and really giving yourself time to absorb the teachings -

  • If you are new to Mindful Movement training, take it easy, give yourself time to see results and do not judge yourself if you are not at the level you want to be.
  • Be kind to yourself, do not push your limits especially if you have any past injuries or have not participated in Mindful Movement training previously.
  • Give yourself time and don’t set expectations about how you should feel or what you need to get out of it. You're doing this for your own self transformation and healing so be kind to yourself if you are not at the level you want to be.
  • Have an open minded approach with the mindset to allow yourself to discover where you are at on this Quest. Be prepared to have moments of awe and wonder, have fun with it so you can see what sticks. This will help you apply the teachings into your life.
  • Ah-ha moments may take time to land. If you don’t have any major revelations straight away, that is perfectly fine. You may find it unravels for you further over the coming days or weeks and when it does provide clarity you will get the full benefit out of the practice.
  • Don’t take it too seriously. We are on a journey of growth and transformation and the more you can play with the content the better you understand it.
  • Listen to your body during all active Quests, take your time and really feel how your body reacts to certain postures to reduce the possibility of injury.
  • Reduce distractions by switching mobile phones and smart watches to ‘airplane mode’ od ‘do not disturb/silent’ mode and quit out of any email browsers or notification software on your computer prior to commencing your Quest.
  • Take time after your class to really absorb the teachings and sit with how it feels within your heart, mind and body.
  • We recommend you listen to the Quest the first time without taking notes so the new information really washes over you and you get a great understanding of the teachings. Go back after you have completed the course and rewatch to take notes on key take-ways and talk to family and friends about what you have learnt. This will help to really cement your understanding, retain the teachings and incorporate it into a regular practice.
  • If you're not really understanding a practice, or feel like you are stuck in your monkey mind, don’t put pressure on yourself. You are where you are and that’s perfect for you right now. You may need to explore this content further after you have had time to digest it and feel more connected to the concepts, when you are in a clearer state of mind.
  • Don’t forget that these Quests will help you have more skills in your toolbox to deal with negativity, instability, trauma and overwhelm. The more you repeat these practises the more automated and competent you become at meeting life’s challenges with a positive behavioural response instead of falling back into old patterns of being unconsciously triggered.
What expectations should I have about my course?

Try not to put pressure on your performance, expectations on how you should feel, or fixate on the outcome of the course. Instead, be open to new ideas, try-on new concepts and be prepared to look at life in new and inspiring ways, and we hope you will walk away with more self knowledge, love and insight than you had before you commenced.

The optimal goal is that at the conclusion of the course, you are inspired and truly committed to your new journey, ready to embody a new lifestyle, improve your wellness habits and strive for an open mindset.

If you learn something that allows you to truly commit to a new journey and you are ready to embody a new lifestyle, improve your wellness habits and strive for an open mindset, that would be an amazing outcome.

We hope this will be one of many courses, retreats and steps that you'll experience in your personal transformation and we hope to be part of your continued life-long learning.

How long do I have access to my course?

We want you to get the very best experience in your course and to learn, thrive and explore new concepts and teachings. Each of the courses you undertake gives you the opportunity to deep dive into the content for 6 months from the date of purchase to re-watch any of the videos you loved, as many times as you like, to really get the most out of your learning. And let's face it, the more you re-watch the Quests, the more immersive an experience you will have, and the more life and habit changing the course content will have on your beautiful life.

How can I limit distractions for my course?

Being 100% committed to your journey is an important first step in achieving your goals and changing your life. Telling someone you trust that you have signed up for a course can also be a powerful motivator as it helps you articulate your commitment to self-learning and dedication to complete your quest.

Turn your phone to airplane mode (or offline mode), put on ‘do not disturb’, and turn your phone on silent. The fewer distractions you have, the more chance you have of being able to totally focus on yourself, reflect on the sessions and enjoy the experience of your course. Change requires action, intent and discipline, if that is what you are seeking, then do the right thing by yourself and commit to your course experience as best you can.


So you are ready to start your Blackbelt in the Bedroom - Mens Sexual Mastery course straight away, knowing how much space you need at home, items that can be used instead of traditional props and if headphones or earbuds are required, will make it easier to start your quest with confidence.

How much space will I need at home to do my course?

For our courses, we have lots of different Quests that you can undertake, each with different requirements. But as a general rule, when you are completing meditation and more ‘theory’ based learning, you will just need room to sit. If you are completing a physical activity like yoga, pilates or fitness class, having room for a yoga mat with a good arms space around that should be ideal. You need to be able to lie down and stretch your arms and legs out in either direction and not have any obstacles. Also having enough space above your head to raise your arms without hitting any beams or low ceilings is advisable.

There may be the odd walking meditation or request to jump up and run around but nothing that needs too much space. You can always go outside too if that is a better area for the exercise portion of your course. Be sure to check the course description to see if there is anything specifically you need for your learning, and then have fun learning with your quest Coach.

Do I need an outdoor space for my course?

No, you don’t need an outdoor space for your course. Just remember that if you are doing your course outdoors, that an area undercover would be ideal so you can learn in all weather conditions and having something soft to sit on or a yoga mat will make it more comfortable for you. If there is a walking meditation as part of your course, you can walk indoors or outdoors, wherever there are less obstacles.

You may find that in between quests, if you have an outdoor space, that going outside and sitting on the grass or taking your shoes off and walking on the earth is a great way to ground yourself and reconnect, and can be a good way to reset before your next class.

What equipment do I need?

Your OneQuest course is designed to be viewed online on a device like a smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer or smart TV so a good internet connection is ideal, but don’t forget if you need to rewind or watch a section of the course again, you certainly can.

For the yoga sessions, your teacher may request the use of props like a blanket, block, bolster or strap to assist with your asana positions and help support your body alignment and comfort. If you don’t have any of these handy, you could use the following -

  • Pillow or firm cushion
  • Blanket or throw
  • Rolled up towels that can also be secured with rubber bands
  • Stack of books tied up or wrapped in a towel
  • Belt, tie, sock, scarf or rope

It is also handy to have an exercise yoga mat to practise on to not only support your practise but also to help keep you more stable, especially on slippery surfaces. If you don't have a mat you can practise on non-skid carpet, a rug that is non-slip or a slightly damp towel so it is more grippy.

For meditation sessions, it is recommended to sit on a cushion, blanket, block, bolster, stool or chair so you are comfortable sitting for an extended period of time. Keeping your hips above your knees also helps to keep your posture in good alignment and stop your feet going to sleep so you have a more enjoyable experience.

If you are considering purchasing some props, use our Guide to Yoga Props article for tips on how to choose the right items to support your practice.

Do I need headphones, earbuds or a webcam?

Our courses and retreats do not require you to have a webcam. This is on purpose so you can comfortably learn from home, without anyone seeing you. So if pyjamas are your go-to attire then that is perfectly fine and no one's the wiser! So even if there happens to be a live portion, you can stay perfectly anonymous and stay webcam-free.

Headphones or earbuds can be a great way to tune out the world and better control your level of focus on the content you are learning which will help you stay motivated. They are a great investment if you don’t already have a set, however any cabled listening headphones will cause some restrictions in physical activity classes.

Headphones and earbuds can be a great option if you are in a shared space or, if you want to listen to your quest content on the road or while you are walking. With more vigorous exercise (if you have chosen one of our fitness or yoga Quests) you will find it more difficult to wear headphones unless they are wireless/bluetooth. Earbuds are much smaller and often water resistant, are lighter and more stable during rapid movements.

Bluetooth options are most helpful to remove any cables connecting you to your device and you can move around more freely.

Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.
